Dr. Neutron - Chronos1

 — Appearance

Dr. Neutron looks like an early turn-of-the-century gentleman inventor whose been sculpted out of pure gold - his skin is golden, his hair, his eyes are solid gold. He wears a combination of grey business suit (complete with vest and pocket watch) and officer's uniform based off his WW2 uniform with a trenchcoat, spats, and utility/tool belt over top of it. He carries a golden Walther PPK taken as a trophy from a Nazi Ahnenerbe officer and large bladed Bowie knife - both of which he's carried and used for over 70 years and even carried to Alpha Cee and back with him.

 — Powers

 Personal - Super-Wisdom (6), Shrinking (9), and Cosmic Power (7), including the ability to fly through space at approximately ×8 light speed, fire cosmic energy blasts, create an energized force field, ect, but excluding matter transmutation/creation. 

 Ilsa - Datalink (3), Energy Control: Electricity (3), Energy Control: Magnetism (3), Telepathy (3; Group Link, Communications only)

 — Background — 

Dr. Neutron is really Dr. William Theodore Nigel. Born 1902 in England, the Nigels moved to America in 1909, where Mr. Nigel took a job with the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Thanks to these connections young William was able to attend some of the finest schools in America as well as, after his father died and he recieved a rather large inheritance, hire tutors and teachers from around the world. 

A trained electrical engineer, mechanic, and demolitions expert, William was drafted and then recruited into a special secret program known as Project Chronos (think League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) designed to investigate supposed alien technologies seized either from the Nazis or before the Nazis could get their hands on them

One such piece of technology is his near constant companion, Ilsa, a glowing golden sphere which typically hovers just behind his left shoulder. Ilsa is actually the semi-sentient SI (Synthetic Intelligence, there's nothing Artificial about her Intelligence thank you very much!) computer core of a hyper-advanced alien satellite. (See Tunguska Event below).


In 1909 the Tunguska Event happened when an ancient satellite of, presumably, alien origin entered a deteriorating orbit and its self destruct systems caused it to steer for the remote Siberia tundra and detonate itself before impact. Only it's core, a transparent aluminum sphere containing multiple smaller orbs of various densities of metals, was ever found. It was smuggled out of the tundra to a secret research facility in what is now Ukraine. During WW2, when the Nazis invaded Russia during Operation Barbarosa it was captured by the Nazi Ahnenerbe, only to later be captured by Project Chronos personnel during the Allied assault on Berlin. 


During his examination of the the Ilsa/Tunguska computer core Dr. Nigel's lab was attacked by Stroßwelle (Shockwave), a former Nazi supersoldier experiment and when the biokineticly created EMP (unleashed by Shockwave) struck both an experimental generator and the core it created an energetic wave of exotic, cosmic particles and quanta which partially transmuted Dr. Nigel, re-energized the computer core, and bonded the doctor and the alien computer core mentally. 

After the war, Dr. Nigel, now known as Dr. Neutron, became a government sponsored superhero after several super powered villains attempted to take control of an American missile/rocket testing facility and ended up nearly wiping a small south-eastern town of the face of the map. He would lead the Quantum Force Five, US & UK sponsored cosmically former super soldier special forces, in defeating the alien Brimmislindr assault fleets in the middle 1960s - he was the only survivor. 

In 1972, a stream of radio signals was detected, apparently from Alpha Centauri, by the Space Watch & Defense Initiative (SWDI) listening stations on the moon. Some of these signals were Brimmislindri, others were not. Knowing humanity had no ships capable of FTL, Dr. Neutron decided to fly there and investigate - a 5 year journey only he could survive. It seems the decimated Brimmislindr fleet retreated to Alpha Cee and tried to wipe out the lesser advanced N'Letthi. Transmissions continued for years before they suddenly stopped. He should have arrived in Alpha Cee system in late '76, but no transmissions were received for several more years.

In 1983 a series of short encoded bursts were recieved which gave Some details. The industrial revolution era N'Letthi had quickly learned to use the alien Brimmislindr technology and fought back fiercely. The entire solar system was a battlefield fought between at least two different factions of N'Letthi and three or four factions of Brimmislindr, all fighting amongst themselves for the wreckage of Brimmislindri capital ships and orbital installations. N'Latt/Alpha Cee 4ɓ, the N'Letthi homeworld, is still habitable, but nearly all trace of civilization have been wiped off its face and Most of the survivors of either race could never reach it, nor survive the landing in salvaged, rust bucket ships. Dr. Neutron met with and decided to join forces with the Sinditiri N'Letthi against the Brimmislindr.

In 1992 several flashes of radiation and bursts of radio waves were detected from Alpha Cee. 

In early December of 2012 another series of radiation flashes and radio bursts were detected from Alpha Cee,  and again at the end of the month as well, but on a bearing apparently having left the Alpha Cee system for Wolf 359. On January 1st, 2013, another message from Dr. Neutron was received. Mission accomplished, All the Brimmislindr were defeated and destroyed, he was coming home, ETA February 10th, 2017.

After returning to earth in 2017 Dr. Neutron has worked extensively with the US, UK, and NATO allies in matters of space technology, alien technology, electrical engineering, cosmic phenomenon,  and more.
